Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Kaligrafi Tauhid

Motif: Kaligrafi Arab, Tulisan Allah dikelilingi Tulisan Muhammad
Bahan: kayu jati
Asal bahan: Pegunungan Kab. Bone
Terinspirasi dari inti ajaran Islam, yakni ketauhidan. Tauhid (disebut juga Tawheed atau Tawhid; Arab توحيد), adalah konsep dalam Islam yang mempertegas keesaan Allah, atau mengakui bahwa tidak ada sesuatupun yang setara dengan Dzat, Sifat, Af'al dan Asma Allah.

In the Islam fine arts, the Arabian article was often made by calligraphy.
Usually his contents is adapted holy articles from Al-Koran.
His form various things, not always the pen on paper, but often also ditatahkan on metal or skin.
One of the forms of the implementation of Islam calligraphy as art decorated was in the Palace of Al Hamra, Spain.

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